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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Memristors...who wants 20 gigs on a Stamp?

There's a new storage design afoot, and it is called Memristor Technology. Memristors are being designed to replace the current NAND flash memory design, which has been in use since 1989. NAND memory is manufactured at rapidly decreasing scales, down to the nanometer level, and eventually may reach a break point where the memory cells are too unreliable.
This is where memristors come into the picture. Memristors have some stiff competition in PCM design, phase change memory. However, memristors have the upper hand with a switching speed that is much faster than PCM, which relies on rapidly heating and cooling memory cells. HP anticipates having a competing Memristor device with a density of 20Gb/cm3 by 2013. (information gleaned from TheRegister.Co.Uk , picture from here)

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